Bar Style
The toggle clamp is an extremely flexible and adaptable tool for clamping work pieces. There are many different types of clamp bar, offering a range of different types of clamping solutions.
Vertical, vertical heavy duty, reverse and Horizontal Clamps have a number of different bar types, which are explained below.
If you cannot find the style or type or length of bar you are looking for, please contact us and we will see if we can manufacture a bar style to suit.
Adjustable Bar
The clamps are supplied with an adjustable bar so the clamping foot may be slid into locate the required position. The clamping foot is secured by 2 bent washers and nuts.

Fixed Bar
Fixed clamp bars are supplied with the boss to retain the clamping foot already welded into position. This is the recommended option where there is a known distance between the clamp body and the clamp foot, and this distance is not required to be adjusted. If higher clamping forces are required or it is critical that the clamping foot doesn’t slip it is recommended to use a clamp with a fixed bar. A number of the clamp models are supplied with a range of fixed bar lengths, if you cannot find the bar length you are looking for is please contact us as we will be happy to supply the fixed clamp bar to the length you require.

Solid Bar
The solid bar variant offers the customer the flexibility of determining the required length of the clamp bar on the fixture. The boss to retain the clamp foot is supplied loose so the customer can crop the bar and weld the clamp boss to the desired position.

Extended Bar
Extended and extra long clamp bas are ideal where long reach is required but low clamping force is required. For example, in checking fixtures where very low clamping forces are required. The extra long bar maybe an adjustable, solid or fixed bar style. Some of our standard range are just slightly long other are extremely long designed to offer our customers maximum flexibility.

Predrilled Bar
Predrilled bars are supplied with tightly tolerance dowel and clearance holes in the bar. These are supplied on a range of heavy-duty clamps where there is often a requirement to accurately attach form block or mylars to the clamp arms. It may be possible to also predrill some of our other clamp types.

Weldable Bar
The weldable clamps are designed to supply our customers with maximum flexibility. The clamps are simply provided with a stub so the customer may design their own style of clamp bar. Alternately clamp bars are available which can be welded in the appropriate position.

Custom Bar Designs
Sandfield also offers a custom bar design, if you cannot find the bar of the length with your or type you require or if you need a complete custom bar please contact us with your requirements.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?
Our friendly team has more than sixty years of experience and are happy to help you, no matter how impossible or unique your current manufacturing challenge might appear. Get in touch today so we can point you in the right direction.