What is a Stainless Steel Toggle Clamp?

It’s a question that often comes up so as leading UK Stainless Steel Toggle Clamp suppliers we thought we would have a crack at answering it for you. You may remember from our What is a Toggle Clamp post at the beginning of December that a Toggle Clamp is a tool used to securely locate […]

What is a Pin Clamp?

A Pin Clamp, also referred to as a pneumatic pull-down clamp or an underbody clamp, is a clamping and centering device with a pin, ranging in diameter from 16 mm to 40 mm with a hook mechanism inside. What generally happens is the component, like a panel for example, is located over the pin, which […]

60 years of the Mini

OK, this is more of a reminisce rather than a case study but hopefully, you won’t mind indulging me a little. 2019 has been a momentous year for the Mini, celebrating their 50th year in production and producing their ten millionth car. At Sandfield Engineering it blows our minds to think that we were involved […]